Explore ZebraSign – the electronic document and e-signature platform that transforms the way you sign documents digitally. ZebraSign Signature Pad offers a straightforward solution for signing documents digitally, enabling your clients to conveniently sign documents on a tablet or mobile device. Signed documents are securely stored and archived on the ZebraSign electronic document platform, allowing you to move away from traditional paper document signing and step easily into the digital realm. Designed for users of the ZebraCloud business management system and ZebraSign electronic document platform, the ZebraSign Signature Pad app facilitates the transfer of documents for manual signing on a linked mobile device.HOW IT WORKSInitiate the creation of an electronic document on the ZebraSign platform or use an existing template, select the "Signer on the device" method, and transfer the document to the linked mobile device for manual signing.KEY BENEFITS OF ZEBRASIGN SIGNATURE PAD:CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEOffer a modern customer experience at your service point. With document signing initiation, fill in and sign contracts on mobile devices in real-time using a free handwritten signature or a handwritten signature with a time stamp. Paper forms are a thing of the past.DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTEasily archive signed documents on the ZebraSign electronic document platform and find them when needed. Save on paper, time, and space for document archiving.FILLABLE FIELDSCreate documents with selectable fillable fields on the ZebraSign electronic document platform and transfer them for filling and signing on a linked mobile device with just a few clicks.RELIABILITYSigning with ZebraSign Signature Pad is reliable as biometric data is saved when signing on a tablet with an electronic pen. Signed documents can be locked and verified with a qualified stamp with a time stamp.